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Computer modelling of a Concert Hall |
Candidato: Filippi Fabrizio Relatore: Prof. Giovanni Brambilla Abstract:
Computer based modelling has become a fundamental part of the design process in the most architectural-acoustic projects in order to predict the sound field and the acoustic quality into a closed space. It is quite obvious that a computer model is much more flexible than a scale model. It is easy to modify the geometry in a computer model, and the surfaces materials can easily be changed by changing the absorption coefficients. The computer model is fast but the advantages are not restricted to time and costs. The most important advantage is probably that the results can be visualized and analysed much better because a computer model contains more information than a set of measurements done in a scale model with small microphones. Even if during the last years those methods have become very precise and easy to use, there is always the problem of the evaluation of the results that could be for sure the most difficult task for who does not have a complete acoustic background. |
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