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1) What is the correct procedure to fill my study plan?
Name: Paolo
Surname: Rossi
Matriculation number: 101010
Title: conservatory degree, or bachelor’s degree
Study plan:
* Each course has a number of ETCs proportioned to the hours of activities spent in the classroom (1 ETC each 8hr lessons). ** Include in the study plan every mandatory exam (with compulsory attendance) specified in the study plan module, unless some of them wouldn’t be acknowledged by the commission (upon presentation of a formal request along with opportune documentation, within the 31 of January 2013). In that case it would be possible to replace the ETCs belonging to the acknowledged mandatory exams, with others of choice. For more informations about the correct number of credit necessary for the achievement of the master title (≥60), please follow article 5 of the statute.
2) What is the expected attendance in the classroom?
Is it possible to consult the study plan module, in the download section, to verify the compulsory attendance courses list.
Teaching activities timetable:
3) What is the difference between the Master in one whether two years?
In order to complete the Master in one year the student must have accomplished all the exams within the December 2013 session. The student will have the possibility to do a stage or a project work within the month of October 2014. In case the student wouldn’t be able to accomplish all the exams within December 2013 session, it would be bound to subscribe to the second year (with a reduced subscription fee).
4)what is the stage consisting of?
The stages are educational activities that most of the times acts for a real opportunity of contact with the working environment of interest.
Those activities aim at the engagement of the student on the preparation and realization of a project of interest, under the supervision of an assistant professor or external tutors.
The stages divides in two kind:
Otherwise the student could conduct a curricular internship, following the D.M. 142/98, by any enterprise with at least one employee with an open ended contract. As an alternative to that the student could carry such activity.
The student could carry on a project of interest at University’s laboratories under the supervision of Teacher of the MIS. As a general rule, considering this as a highly formative activity, it would be advantageous that the student communicate the field of interest to the teacher with whom, whenever not already included within the possible choices, together with the student will provide for appropriate asset.
5) What do I do to organize my stage?
It is otherwise possible to carry out a stage activities at external companies with direct contact.
The stage must be proven by a certificate in pursuance of activity.
P.N. in case of some insurance would be required by the chosen company, please follow the stage bureau of Tor Vergata University’s guidelines http://stage.uniroma2.it. On this link further informations along with modules necessary to start the procedure could be found. We advice in that case to start all the procedure with 15 days of advance.
6) What is the recommended personal outfit for every student and in particular for on line attendeds?
The Master’s laboratory is anyway equipped with a Computer and all necessary software.
7) What happens if the student is in possession of any degree ascribable to any subject of the Master? Past degrees could be recognized, from the MIS council: educational activities, enhancement and internships following the achievement of the degree that entitle to attend the MIS whether certificate of achievement could be produced, for 20 ETC’s tops.
8) What is the academic defense consisting in? Discussion of a project work, using a beamer, PA system, and possibly other auxiliary instruments or engineered by the student himself. A presentation and the production of a document is required.
9) What are the usual procedure for the exams? An exam can consist in a written and or a verbal test, For some courses the exam consist in the development of a project of interest, concerning the subject, followed by a discussion of the project itself.
10) What are the field in which the Master title could ease the finding of a professional path?
11) What I have to do to subscribe MIS?
Proceed with the prescription following the guide located in the download section, the candidates that will result suitable need to enroll within the dates indicated in the announcement, using the instruction present in that document, following the instructions present in such document. Both modules are available in the download section of the site. |
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