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Digital Implentation Moog Filter |
Abstract : This line of research is about a digital implementation of the Moog filter (VCF). The transition from analog to digital domain introduces side effects that require to be compensated using advanced DSP techniques. Starting from the analysis of the analog circuit, discretization techniques allow to obtain suitable algorithms that can be simulated or implemented in dedicated hardware or real-time audio software. The current line of research has led to the creation of a VST plugin.
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Contacts: Prof. Mario Salerno, Prof. Marco Re
T. Stilson and J. O. Smith. 'Analyzing theMoog VCF with considerations for digital implementation'. In
Robin Schmidt. 'Resonance tuning for the digital Moog filter' Federico Fontana. 'Preserving the structure of the Moog VCF in the digital domain'. Università di Verona Aki Härmä. 'Implementations of recursive filters having delay-free loops'. Helsinki University of Technology
A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith 'Microelectronic Circuits', 'Sixth Edition', Oxford University Press Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Naples, Italy, October 2004 |
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